As I was eagerly waiting for a break from work and regular schedule, here arrives the Mangalore trip – A proper week long trip with 6 days of complete refreshment.
Udupi – a place on the outskirts of Mangalore - is my native place as my parents were born and brought up there, although I am in Mumbai since birth. The wind, the language there, environment, style of living, everything is so dissimilar from Mumbai life that I wouldn’t mind spending a week there every 3 months.
Naag Temple Inauguration
The main motive of the trip was inauguration of Naag temple. As all the family members were supposed to be present in the ceremony, we got a chance to meet up all our close relatives as well as the ones whom I didn’t even thought existed! It felt like a get together for the entire family.

1 day of the trip was dedicated to the 2 temples – Kapu Temple and Krishna Temple in Udupi.
The traveling distance and the hot sun didn’t matter to us on this day as we were dwelled in the religious thought of visiting these sacred places. Just getting a glimpse of Lord Krishna at the Krishna Mutt is a blessing for us.
Kapu Temple

My every Mangalore trip certainly consists of a visit to the Malpe beach. Although I would love any beach in the world, still I have got special affection towards this one. The graceful wind, rushing waves and the calm sand gives a special sensation encouraging me to close my eye lids and feel the surroundings.
This visit encompassed giggling fun with the waves, ice-cream gulp and an impish walk with cousin on the sea-shore and also an unstable and uncertain triple seat ride on Mahindra Duro :P